The people of Central Java have several traditions of commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. In Kraton Surakarta there are event named Sekaten and Grebeg Mulud. There is also Ampyang Maulid in Kudus Regency. The Ampyang Maulid tradition has existed.



Since the end of the 15th century during the time of Tjie Wie Gwan, an Islamic preacher of Chinese descent who also took part in the construction of the At Taqwa Loram Kulon Mosque. This tradition had stopped around the 1960s but continue running in 1995 until now.


The name of Ampyang Maulid comes from two words, namely Ampyang and Maulid. Ampyang is a type of cracker made from flour, round in shape with various colors, while maulid means birth. This tradition is one of the ways to spread and preach Islam that combines the local wisdom of the local community.


Now, the Ampyang Maulid tradition is packaged more attractively with the titles of the Ampyang Maulid Festival and Loram Expo. The highlight of the event will take place on Saturday (9/11) in the form of a procession of gunungan ampyang and food starting at 13.00 WIB, starting at the Loram Wetan Football Field, and finishing at the At Taqwa Loram Kulon Mosque. The gate of the At Taqwa Mosque Loram Kulon itself is a protected cultural heritage object. Come on, take a historical tour of the village of Loram Kulon.