Kubangkangkung Reservoir, The One And Only Reservoir In Cilacap

Visiting Cilacap must be going to a beach, uh, wait a minute. In Cilacap there are not only beaches but there is also a reservoir. The only reservoir in Cilacap is in Kawunganten District. Its name is Kubangkangkung Reservoir or if it was spelled in the past, it is called Koebangkangkoeng.

Why is it called Kungkangkung? It is said that in the reservoir, there was a puddle of water overgrown with water spinach. That is why the icon that was built in the middle of the Kubangkangkung Reservoir is water spinach. Although at first glance people will think that it looks more like a lotus flower than water spinach.

Kubangkangkung Reservoir is located in the middle of a teak forest. If you are going to Pangandaran or Bandung from Cilacap, you will pass through dense teak forests with winding roads. There are no houses in the forest. There is only Kubangkangkung Reservoir in the middle of the forest. At least in the afternoon, there are several roadside stalls selling young coconut ice and fritters. At night, the street is dark and quiet, even though it is the connecting road between provinces.

It seems mystical but if you go to Kubangkangkung Reservoir during the day, it is not as scary as at night. In Kubangkangkung Reservoir, there are many rides for children and several selfie spots. You can enjoy it with your family, friends, or loved ones.

The scenery that characterizes Kubangkangkung Reservoir is the puddle of water in the form of a reservoir surrounded by teak forests. The shady atmosphere of the trees with a gentle breeze while enjoying the view of the reservoir can be a choice for visitors. Also, don't forget to order the coffee and mendoan (fried tempeh) at the stalls on the edge of the reservoir.

In addition to the natural scenery of the reservoir, you can also try several rides and photo spots, including:

Balloon Palace

This ride is certainly suitable for children. The shape is like a palace with several pillars but like a balloon in which the wind is in it. Surely, when children get into it, they bounce like a trampoline. The colors and pictures are also cute.

Swimming pool

Visitors can swim but not in the reservoir. Besides the reservoir, there is a special swimming pool to swim. Of course, buoys and bathrooms have been provided for visitors.

Duck Boat

So, what is the reservoir for? In the reservoir, visitors can play duck boat. Each boat is a maximum of 2 adults. Visitors can surround the reservoir as much as they want with this duck boat. Is the boat just a duck shape? Certainly not. The shape of the boat variety but people tend to call it a duck boat.

Zazax Koebang

What is zazax koebang? This is one of the rides in the Kubangkangkung Reservoir. It is a floating bridge that connects one side of the reservoir to the other side. This bridge is made of wood with drums underneath which makes the bridge float. In the middle of the bridge, there are some nice seats, plants, and ornaments for selfies.

In addition to those four rides and selfie spots, there are also fish therapy, electric trains, ball baths, ATVs, and mini trails. Some ornaments also adorn the path, such as umbrellas and tires which are good for selfies. There are also Dino parks, dragons, parks, and a stage. Want a natural selfie without colorful paint? The teak trees around the reservoir are also neatly arranged for your natural photos.

There are many things to do, right? All rides and selfie spots are free but there are some paid attractions starting from 3,000 IDR to 20,000 IDR. Other supporting facilities such as bathrooms, prayer rooms, and food stalls are also available. Every weekend there is also an additional event from the manager.

Let's go to Kungkangkung Reservoir. Don't forget to invite your family, friends, and lovers. It is also possible if you want to have a community gathering, class outing, or outbound with the office team there.
