According to https://warisan budaya.kemdikbud.go.id/, Ebeg art developed in the Central Java region, especially in the Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Kebumen regions. Ebeg art is included in traditional dance art, which tells the story of a knight who is practicing war (Prince Diponegoro). This art has developed since the outbreak of the Diponegoro War (De Java Oorlog, 1925–1930). Players Ebeg is a group of 5-8 people who dance to gamelan music. This dance symbolizes the people's support for Prince Diponegoro in fighting Dutch colonial imperialism. In its performance, the ebeg dance consists of four chapters (fragments), namely the buto lawas fragment, which is performed twice, the senterewa fragment, and the begon putri fragment. The ebeg dance does not require complicated choreographic techniques, but the dancers are required to move in harmony and sync with each other according to the rhythm of the gamelan music. 
