Hunting Sunrise At Telomoyo Peak

Semarang turns out to have the best sunrise spot in Indonesia, although not many people know about it. Located in Mount Telomoyo which has a million beauties. This mountain is about 1,894 m above sea level and can be reached by a private vehicle.

Besides sunrise hunting, tourists can also spend time to chill out and enjoy the scenery, camping, taking selfies and paragliding. No wonder many people come even on weekdays.

Access to Location

Mount Telomoyo is located in Semarang Regency and Magelang Regency. From the direction of Semarang City, you can drive the vehicle to Ungaran then pass the Salatiga Circle route and turn towards Kopeng.

There will be directions to get to Mount Telomoyo peak. To make it easier, you can use Google Maps without any hassle. From the entrance counter to the top it takes about 45 minutes to an hour. You can estimate your own travel time.

The Most Beautiful Sunrise in Indonesia

Until the peak, the cold air will be more pronounced with a slightly strong wind gust. You will see an amazing view with a stretch of green from the surrounding hills and mountains. It’s such a pleasure of the infinite beauty of His creation.

When it dawn, the sun will slowly appear to rise from the East with a golden orange color. If you come at the right time, there are no clouds or fog blocking, you can get the best sunrise photos from Telomoyo Peak. You can get various types of photos or videos such as landscape, time-lapse, portrait, pose, panorama and others.

 Telomoyo Peak Sunrise Hunting Tips


Make sure the vehicle is in a good condition

The road to the top of Mount Telomoyo is full of uphill and winding roads. There are still damaged and slippery roads. So you need to be extra careful to get to the top of Mount Telomoyo. The good condition vehicle also affects safety during sunrise hunting. Just imagine if the brakes fail or the tires are too slippery when going uphill? Certainly not fun, right?

Come during the dry season

The best time to get the sunrise is in August to October. Since it will be a dry season, therefore the chance of being blocked by fog and rain is less. The best time to reach the peak is 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. So don't miss it or be late, okay!

Packed Meal and Equipment Needed

Drive a private vehicle, be sure to bring enough packed meals during sunrise hunting. This is useful for reducing the load when going uphill and unnecessary overloading. Don't forget to bring warm clothes so you don't shiver while waiting for the sunrise.

Bring the best camera with an additional lens (wide lens is recommended) to get stunning panoramic shots. Not only is the sunrise interesting, but when the weather is fine, another mountain will be seen which can be a photo background.

So that's some information when hunting for sunrise at Peak Mount Telomoyo. Make sure to pay attention to the tips above so that there are less problems on your way there. (Nico)
