Support 5 Jawa Tengah Tourism Villages To Be The Favorite At ADWI 2023

The highlight of the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) is getting closer. It's time for us to support the 5 Best Tourism Villages from Jawa Tengah to be the most favorite Tourism Village in ADWI 2023. Voting opens 21 - 25 August 2023.

Watch the following tourist village video until it runs out.

Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, and Comment.

1. Conto Tourism Village - Wonogiri Regency | Here |

2. Sambongrejo Tourism Village - Blora Regency | Here |

3. Besani Tourism Village - Batang Regency | Here |

4. Sidowarno Tourism Village - Klaten Regency | Here |

5. Pekunden Tourism Village - Banyumas Regency | Here |

Let's create world-class tourism for Indonesia to rise! (Admin)
