The Old City Of Semarang, The Charm Of Ancient Colonial Era Buildings

Traveling in the city of Semarang will not be complete if you haven't visited the Old City. This is the main tourist destination of Semarang City which has been successfully revitalized by the government.

RIA DAMAYANTI, 24, a traveler from Bandung, Jawa Barat, keeps taking selfies in front of the Marba building. One of the ancient buildings in the Old City. Ria and her friend, Ligar, 23, took turns taking selfies with each other, with the ancient buildings of Old City in the background.

Satisfied with the background of the Marba building, the two of them moved to the Blenduk Church building, then Spiegel, and Jiwasraya, and don't forget, the two of them took photos at the root house. “The building is nice, well maintained. Between one building and another building, close to each other. "So the road doesn't get tiring," said Ria, who admitted that this was her first time visiting Kota Lama.

Ligar, who is a resident of Jakarta, admits that the Old City of Semarang is much more interesting than the Kota Toea of Jakarta. "In Kota Toea, the buildings are really big because that was the center of government there. It's just that, between one building and another, the distance is quite far. "In the Old City of Semarang, it's close, there are lots of alleys and the style of the buildings is very typical, European," said Ligar, who admitted that his friend recommended her to visit this place.

Yes, the Old City of Semarang has its own charm to make tourists feel at home there for a long time. For those of you who like historical tourism, this area could be the right choice. Since ancient times, the city of Semarang has shone as a port city, so it is filled with Dutch colonial heritage which is still very well preserved today.

The Old City area of ​​Semarang is a silent witness to the history of Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period for more than 2 centuries. The location is adjacent to the economic area and Tawang Station. In this area, there are around 50 ancient buildings that still stand strong and each has its own story.

If you look at its history, this area was the forerunner to the development of Semarang City. The center of the Old City area is Srigunting Park. A park located in the heart of the Old City.

Apart from being treated to a magnificent panorama of iconic ancient buildings, travelers can also enjoy Srigunting Park. Also, for travelers who want to hunt for old items, they can look for them at the Klitikan market which occupies an ancient building behind the Blenduk Church. There are also many MSME products typical of Semarang City. One of them, Semarangan batik.
The Old City area of ​​Semarang is also in the top 10 list of favorite tourist attractions, followed by the Sam Poo Kong Temple, Lawang Sewu Museum, Semarang Zoo, Kreo Cave and Marina Beach.
