Try The Jeep Adventure By Crossing The Dieng Plateau

It is hard to deny the Dieng Plateau's natural beauty. The natural features of this Country Above the Clouds, which are dominated by green hills and valleys, appear to prescribe how lovely it is. Dieng is one of the most popular tourist sites in Jawa Tengah due to its diverse natural charms.

Tourists may enjoy a variety of activities while in Dieng. If ordinary roads are boring, experience the pleasure of driving around Dieng in a Jeep vehicle. This is a relatively new activity, but it is certainly exciting and adrenaline-pumping. Tourists or visitors will explore the entire area of Dieng Plateau. Mainly, nature tourist destinations that are hard to reach by private vehicles.

Jeep tours might be a good option for tourists who wish to see Dieng without having to drive themselves. It might also be a good option for tourists looking for new and exciting things to do and also for those who wish to experience the Dieng Plateau in a unique way.

Tourists would be taken to numerous places in the Dieng area, Said Fatkhul, a Jeep tour operator. The places to visit such as Jalatunda Well, Candradimuka Crater, Dringo Lake, Sileri Crater, Arjuna Temple, and Ratapan Angin Stone. Other tourist destinations included in the Jeep tour are Sikarim Waterfall, Angkruk stone, Bintoro Hill, and Sikidang Crater Circuit.

"Among the many tourist destinations, there are a number of locations where private vehicles cannot drive through," he added.

Tourists will not only be taken to tourist places, but the Jeep tour operator also will wait until the visitors are completely satisfied. In fact, operators frequently suggest a variety of off-the-beaten-path tourism spots in Dieng.

Now, tourist activities with four-wheel-drive cars are starting to be popular. Especially for those who want to challenge the adrenaline. Tourists will be invited to go through steep, up and down, and tortuous paths typical of the Dieng Plateau.

Tourists will be offered to visit the Sikidang Crater circuit, both to test their adrenaline and as a ‘gift’. This circuit is not far from the Sikidang Crater tour. So, when bulldozing the track on the circuit, tourists can see a puff of smoke from Sikidang Crater.

The track at Sikidang Crater Circuit is quite difficult. From rough roads to muddy roads to twisting roads. There's even a road that makes your heart skip a beat when you go along it, that is a bridge track where the Jeep might tumble if you are not skilled at handling the vehicle.

Exclamations of delight will be heard more frequently as you explore the circuit. Not to add the Jeep driver's cry of delight after completing a particularly hard road. The atmosphere was infused with Dieng's signature coldness. It's even addicting, rather than quitting up.

Don't be worried about security. The operator has experience in driving those vehicles. There are other safety features such as helmets that tourists must use throughout the trip. A maximum of four passengers can fit into a Jeep car.

Tourists may spend up to 700,000 IDR for each car to get a glimpse of this exciting adventure. It will take four hours to finish the trip. The rate, on the other hand, is determined by demand or conditions.

Tourists may contact a number of operators through local travel agencies if they want to ride in a Jeep. You may also drive straight to Sikidang Crater or Arjuna Temple's parking lot. Because there are a number of Jeep cars waiting to greet visitors. Finally, don't forget to follow health guidelines at all times. (contributor)
