Quoted from heritagecultural.kemdikbud.go.id, "Lénggér Banyumasan art" is an art that was born, grew, and developed in the area of Banyumas cultural distribution since 1755. The manifestation of this Lénggér Banyumasan art is traditional dance, in which the Lénggér not only dances but also performs Banyumasan traditional songs accompanied by gamelan music or, more specifically, a set of calung musical instruments. In the show, Lénggér art is divided into four rounds, namely the Gamyongan round, the Lénggéran round, the Badhutan or Bodhoran round, and the last is the Baladewaan round. Lénggér is a Jarwo Dhosok term or a combination of words that have a meaning. Lénggér is "Darani Léng Jêbulé Jénggér," which can be interpreted as a woman who is thought to be a man. This intention is related to the history of the pre-independence period when Léngger dancers were men who dressed up like women and were used to trick the minions or company.
