A Million Charms Of Ngargoretno Tourism Village On The Slope Of Menoreh

Coffee, tea, honey, and milk may be common because it is easy to find. However, what if you can taste everything directly from farmers in a village on the slopes of Menoreh? It must be special. What is the charm of this village?

Ngargoretno tourism village is a beautiful village about 11 km from Borobudur Temple. Quoted from the official website of Desangargoretno.com, geographically Ngargoretno village is directly adjacent to Giripurno Village in the east, to Paripurno Village in the north, Kalirejo Village in the west, and directly to Kulonprogo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta in the south. The village is located on the slopes of Mount Menoreh. No wonder the land is fertile with abundant natural crops.

The natural potential was tried to be explored by the Ngargoretno village community to develop the village through expanding tourism since 2016. "We offer a concept of educational tourism and nature conservation," said Soim, the owner of the cage Kang Im.

Soim explained that in Ngargoretno Village, visitors can feel the sensation of milking etawa goat milk directly. Like a lamb (cempe) breastfeeding, milking the goat must be done with a soft touch, written on Instagram @kandang_kang.im.

Another memorable experience was hanging out at the honey cafe belonging to honey farmers. Visitors can taste honey taken directly from the nest. The location at the height of the forest will make visitors feel at home. Drink a glass of warm tea mixed with honey and enjoying geblek fried, a kind of fried sago flour.

For coffee lovers, visitors can try to mix their special wild coffee of Ngargoretno, namely red coffee. Named red coffee since this village has a red marble stone hill. There is also a batik package, making herbs, and other interesting packages that can be seen on the official website of Desangargoretno.com

Another unique natural site in Ngargoretno Village is the Red Marble Museum of Menoreh. This is a rare and only one red marble hill in Indonesia. It is a rich and valuable natural potential.

Travelers who visit Ngargoretno are generally in groups. They explored Ngargoretno Village by the available jeep or shuttle across narrow and winding roads. This excitement will certainly provide an unforgettable experience.

In addition, it will soon be a new tourist attraction at one of the peaks of Menoreh named Menoreh Tumpeng (Cone). Soim explained that the spot would be the culinary center of Gelangprojo (Magelang, Kulonprogo, Purworejo).

Wow, it feels like we cannot wait for visiting the village with a million charms. (VJT)
