A Yummy Combination Of Kupat Glabed And Blengong Satay From Brebes

Brebes Regency is not only famous as a producer of shallots. There are many dishes you should try, such as salted eggs and other dishes. However, exploring Brebes is not enough if you don't taste the special cuisine of blengong satay. Blengong is a crossbreed duck. It is said that Blengong can only be cultivated in Brebes. Finding blengong satay is quite easy. Many food stalls provide this dish. It's just that most stalls open in the late afternoon. One that is quite famous is Sate Blengong Mbak Inah, in Brebes Square. It's better to come early since it’s always crowded with visitors. The location is strategic on the side of the north coast route, therefore visitors come from both within and outside the city.
Here, a skewer of blengong satay is priced at IDR4,000 to IDR 8,000. What is unique about blengong satay is its long bamboo skewer shape. The length can be two or three times of a skewer in general. The pieces of meat are bigger than the others. The reddish-colored chili sauce makes it more appetizing for blengong satay lovers. The texture of blengong satay is similar to duck which has fiber. However, the meat tastes tender and mild when chewed. Eating blengong satay is a new experience because of its texture. When blengong satay is not processed properly, the meat will be tough and fishy. Therefore, Blengong satay has a difficult way of processing. Before serving, the meat is usually seasoned and covered in a spice sauce then boiled. It takes approximately 2 to 2.5 hours. After that, the meat is processed into satay, which can be grilled or cooked. Not only blengong satay, this food vendor also served a kupat glabed menu. Kupat is served with condensed coconut curry so it tastes savory. Especially if fried onions and crumbs of crackers or noodles are added. The rich texture of kupat glabed is perfect when combined with blengong satay. The combination also makes your culinary tour full of taste and texture. Starting from the savory kupat glabed, combined with the satay sauce, which is full of spices and slightly spicy. The rice cake texture combined with the tender meat. More, add the crisp noodle crackers and fried onions. Visiting Brebes will be memorable. (Novia/contributor) 

Photo: http://instagram.com/kupatsate_blengong
