The Beauty Of Curug Panglebur Gongso

Curug Panglebur Gongso is one of the famous waterfalls in the Kendal Regency. Its location in Gondang Village, Limbangan. It is easy to reach from any direction, either Sumowono or Kendal.

This 7 meters height waterfall has a pool area that can be used for swimming or jumping from the top of the waterfall. Another advantage is that even though summer comes, the water discharge from the river does not decrease. So it is suitable to visit any time.

According to the local people, there is a belief that this waterfall was once the place of Aditya Kumbokarno's hermitage, the Ramayana puppet, a giant with the heart of a warrior. To dissolve sins after the battle to defend his country, he did austerities at the top of his waterfall.

It is believed that many previous royal officials performed austerities at Curug Panglebur Gongso. This story is strengthened by the footprints on the rocks above the waterfall.

There is also a cave located next to the waterfall which also has the belief that it can go through the Great Mosque of Demak. Even now, on certain days there are still people who perform austerities or bathing rituals in their waterfalls.

Apart from these myths, the natural scenery and attractions in it are indeed very impressive. Visitors can park their vehicles in the top parking lot either by car or motorbike.

To enter Curug Panglebur Gongso, visitors need to pay IDR 4.000, and a free parking fee. You need to walk about 50 meters to get to the top of the waterfall. After arriving at the waterfall there will be 2 locations to play with water, it is at the top or at the waterfall.

The peaceful atmosphere and the clear gurgling water calm our minds. Playing with water also seems fun with family or friends while enjoying the sound of birds and the wind blowing through the trees.

When it rains, visitors are suggested not to approach the rivers and waterfalls since the water may increase suddenly. Visitors can also bring a jacket or thick clothes because the wind in this place is quite strong and cold.

Curug Panglebur Gongso is a tourist attraction that is managed by the surrounding community. Other facilities such as bathrooms, toilets, parking areas, food stalls, and prayer rooms are available in this place. 

To reach this place, visitors must use private transportation since public transportations here are rarely seen. Furthermore, you can use Google Maps to get to this place without fear of getting lost during the trip. (Nico)
