Add To Your List! The Blora Regency Calendar Of Events 2023

The Blora Regency Government by the Blora Regency Youth, Sports, Culture, and Tourism Service officially launched the 2023 tourism calendar on Instagram @dinporabudparblora and @pariwisata_blora.

Based on this list, there are several regular events, such as:

Saturday Pon Night Shadow Puppet every month, except January and July

Blora Reciting Sholawat is held monthly except for July and August

Kliwon Klopoduwur Tuesday workshops monthly except January, March, and November

The Tiban Nglanjuk Cepu market every Sunday morning

Monday night Kliwonan at the Gazeboo of Pengayoman Mbah Samin Plosokediren Randublatung 

Customs Socialization Art held monthly, except in January, March, and October

Besides these regular events, here is a list of other interesting events to see:



Manganan Janjang (3 March 2023)

Commemoration of Samin's Struggle at the Gazeboo of Pengayoman Plosokediren Randublatung (15 March 2023)

Ramadhan Bazaar (23 March -19 April 2023)



Nyadran (24 May 2023)

Gamelan Festival (30 May 2023)



Investment Festival (3-4 June 2023)

Job Fair (6-7 June 2023)

Cultural Carnival Doplang Village (June 16, 2023)

Earth Alms of Wates (17 June 2023)

Exhibition & Culinary



Jipang Anniversary (7 July 2023)

Cooperative Day Bazaar (12-13 July 2023)

Blora Fashion Week (15-16 July 2023)

Ruwat Agung Sedulur Sikep Klopoduwur (28 July 2023)



Tourism Village Festival (5 August 2023)

Parade on Suro Jipang Village (5-6 August 2023)

Haul Syech Abdul Rohim Tomb of Sunan Pojok Blora (12-17 August 2023)

Blora Creative Festival

Republic of Indonesia Anniversary Carnival Parade

Wora Wari Site Cultural Carnival



Haul Aryo Jipang (5 October 2023)

Hand Washing with Soap campaign

World Clean Up Day 2023



Germas Campaign (12 November 2023)



Heritage Carnival

Cultural Carnival

Campur Bawur

District Anniversary Reception Blora

MSME, Creative & Culinary Exhibition

Songo Santri reciting sholawat


That's all the list of events in the Blora Regency of 2023. (Admin)

