Seven Tourism Villages In Jawa Tengah Win National Achievements In The 2023 Archipelago Tourism Village Competition

Another achievement proudly got by the Tourism Village in Jawa Tengah. Recently, 7 Tourism Villages received the 2023 Archipelago Tourism Village Competition, an award organized by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). The best-ranked tourist village was announced on the evening of the 2023 Archipelago Tourism Village Competition Appreciation Night on Friday (24/11/2023) in Senggigi Village, Lombok Barat, NTB, which also shared via live streaming on the PDTT Ministry of Villages YouTube.

There are two categories in LDWN 2023, Category I: Very Disadvantaged/Underdeveloped/Developing and Category II: Advanced/Independent. Previously, on November 15, 2023, the Directorate General of Village and Rural Development announced the 15 best-ranking villages for each category.

In category I, Guci Tourism Village (Tegal Regency) managed to enter the top 3 Best Ranked Villages, precisely at rank III. Then, Melung Tourism Village (Banyumas Regency) at rank VII and Bangsri Tourism Village (Blora Regency) on XIII.

In Category II, the Jangglengan Tourism Village (Sukoharjo Regency), the Plajan Tourism Village (Jepara Regency), and the Tunggulrejo Tourism Village (Karanganyar Regency) respectively managed to achieve ranks IX, X, and XI. Then, Karangkemiri Tourism Village (Banyumas Regency) is ranked XIII.

Moreover, Tunggulrejo Tourism Village also won the Economic Thematic Category Champion award, and Plajan Tourism Village was awarded the Socio-Cultural Thematic Category Champion for Category II Villages. Furthermore, the Favorite Champion for Category I Village was won by Guci Tourism Village.

LDWN has been existed since 2019. Although it was vacum in 2020 and 2021, LDWN 2022 was attended by 1605 villages and  2007 villages in LDWN 2023.

Tourism Villages are one of the tourism potentials in Jawa Tengah. Based on the latest data collection in early 2023, JAwa Tengah has 776 tourist villages. The Jawa Tengah Provincial Government through the Disporapar Jawa Tengah has programs and activities to support the development of tourist villages, including socialization, workshops, Tourism Village Events, and financial assistance. This support is in line with the Acting Governor of Central Java's 10 priority programs, one of which is tourism development and increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs in the creative economy sector. (Admin)
